My Windshield Cracked | What Should I Do?

A crack in a windshield isn’t something that we plan. For many drivers, it occurs unexpectedly. A lar0ge truck may pass you while driving along the highway and send a pebble shooting right into your windshield. Or you may have been driving behind another vehicle along a road with a loose surface and a flying pebble may cause damage to your windshield. Now your windshield has a large crack running right through it. You may be wondering what to do next.

Can a Cracked Windshield Be Repaired?

The good news is that a cracked windshield isn’t an uncommon occurrence and they can be repaired. In some cases, the crack can be repaired without the need for replacing their entire windshield. However, if the crack is large and spans the length of the windshield, it is likely that you will have to replace your windshield. As a general rule cracks that are under two inches wide and do not go deeper than an inch can be repaired. These cracks in many cases will not cause a compromise in the integrity and function of the windshield. They can therefore be safely repaired.

Does Car Insurance Cover Repair for Cracked Windshields?

If you’re like many motorists, you may be concerned about the cost of car window crack repair. It is a good idea to consult with your insurance providers to find out if they will cover the cost of repairing the damage to your windshield. In many instances, the cost of repairing a small crack in the windshield not caused by a car accident is only covered by comprehensive auto coverage. This is because these types of policies offer coverage for damage not caused by collisions. This includes auto glass repair from damage such as a windstorm, vandalism or other causes.

What To Do When Your Windshield Cracks

If your windshield suddenly cracks while you are driving, it is important to ensure your safety as well as that of your passengers. Here’s what to do when your windshield cracks.

1. Stop and inspect the damage

If you are driving, pull up to a safe spot on the side of the road. Inspect the damage to your windshield. How long is the crack? Does the crack go right through the windshield? If the crack spans the entire length of the windshield or goes right through the glass, you will most likely have to replace the entire windshield.

2. Decide if you can still drive

Decide if you can drive your vehicle safely to your destination. For example, if the crack is on the driver’s side, it will obscure your vision. It would be best to avoid driving. If the crack is long and runs across the windshield, the integrity of your windshield is compromised. It could be dangerous driving with this windshield. If you have determined that it is not safe to drive, you should consider seeking roadside windshield repair services in Kirkland.

3. Protect your vehicle from further damage

Another important step to take after the appearance of a crack on your windshield is to prevent further damage. Don’t do anything that could cause the crack to become a bigger problem. Avoid parking your car under direct sunlight for example especially on a hot day. Extreme temperatures can worsen the damage to your windshield.

4. Contact your insurance provider

Get in touch with your insurance provider to determine whether they will cover the cost of repair. A claims representative can help you determine what your insurance policy covers and guide you through the claims process.

5. Have the windshield replaced or repaired

Have your windshield repaired by a reputable windshield repair company. Depending on the level of damage, you may have to have your windshield replaced. If you can’t drive your car to a repair shop you can seek mobile auto glass replacement in Kirkland.

Cracks in windshields are a common problem. Contact Protech Auto Glass for fast and effective repair.