How To Fix Small Cracks & Chips in Your Windshield

Do you have a crack or a chip in your windshield? Windshields are exposed to a wide variety of conditions. While they are strong and resistant to most conditions, they can crack from the impact of a flying piece of gravel or even being exposed to extremes in temperature. While a small crack or a chip in your windshield may seem like a minor issue, it can quickly lead to major issues such as a large crack across your windshield or malfunctioning of car systems such as your air bags. It is therefore important that you fix cracks on the windshield as soon as possible. Below we take a closer look at how to fix a chip or a small crack in the windshield.

Determine the Size of the Crack

The type of windshield chip repair you apply will depend on the size of the crack or chip and the extent of damage to your windshield. Repair kits are only good for repairing chips smaller than a quarter and cracks that are shorter than 3 inches. Anything larger ought to be assessed by a professional as it may call for replacement of the entire windshield.

Choose a Repair Kit

It is important to choose a kit that will fully cover the size of the chip or crack on your windshield. Take some time to research different brands and choose the right kit for you. Consider factors such as:

  • The cost of the kit

Choose a kit that you can afford. Avoid going for the cheapest kit. There’s a good chance that it will not provide you with quality repairs.

  • The expiration date

Epoxy expires. An old kit won’t provide you with proper adhesion. Choose a kit that’s no more than 6 months old.

  • The size of the crack or chip

The kit should cover the chip or crack fully to ensure even repair

  • ease of use

Choose a kit that is easy to use. It should require additional tools or special conditions such as use outdoors only. Check the instructions to ensure that you understand them and can apply them effectively.

How to Fix Windshield Cracks

While specific in steps for window chip repair will vary depending on the kit, the general steps for repair are:

1. Cleaning the damaged area

The presence of dirt or debris will compromise the adhesion of the patch. Clean the area to be repaired using a microfiber towel. Use rubbing alcohol to ensure that grease and other dirt is dissolved. Allow the area to dry completely before moving to the next step.

2. Applying the patch

Remove the backing from the patch and align it with the crack or chop. Center the patch and place it over the exterior of the windshield ensuring that it covers the crack or chip completely. Use the pedestal to press against the patch.

3. Applying epoxy resin

Some repair kits require you to mix the resin prior to applying it while others come with pre-mixed resin. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to prepare the epoxy resin and draw it out of the pedestal with the syringe provided. Drawing up the syringe will help to release any air bubbles trapped in the damaged area.

4. Allow air bubbles to escape

Wait for the time recommended by the kit manufacturer. This could be anywhere from 1 to 10 minutes. Remove the syringe and pedestal when there are no bubbles and the recommended time has elapsed.

5. Applying the curing strip

Some kits come with a curing strip. This should be placed over the crack carefully. Use a squeegee to get rid of any air bubbles. Allow it to rest for the recommended time before scraping it off.

6. Removing excess epoxy

Scrape off excess epoxy with a razor blade.

If You Didn’t Succeed, We Can Help You

While DIY repair kits can provide repairs, they are not as effective as professional grade kits. Contact Protect Auto Glass for professional windshield repair services in Kirkland for the best results.